Song of the Skylark

This song has a beautiful melody.

It is great for:

  • Preparing and practising the melodic element 'fa'.
  • Preparing and practising the rhythmic element 'tum ti'.
  • Discovering an octave interval (do to high do)
  • Finding melodic sequence (3rd line - r-m-f-s; m-f-s-l) and last line (s-l-f; m-f-r)
  • Beautiful unison singing for your class or choir.

Please note, the chords are ones that I have suggested, they are not Mendelssohn's original chords!

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Kodály Analysis:

Song of the Skylark Theme: Animals Games:
Partner: Form: Verse & Chorus Song Type:
Scale: Hexachord CSP: G - A Age: Upper Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: d finalis r m f s l d high Rhythm: ; ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: s m f s ; s d high ; d high m ; l s m ; m l ; r s ; r m f s ; m f s l ; l d high ; d high l ; s l f ; m f r ; f r d finalis ; d d high
Prep: , f
Prac: , f


Origin: Felix Mendelssohn Arr. M. McLatchey

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