Weav'ly Wheat

This is a FANTASTIC singing game done in groups of four.

The song can be used for:

  • Teaching the rhythmic element 'tika-ti'.
  • Working with the rhythmic element 'syncopa'.
  • Working with the melodic elements 'low la' and 'low so'.
  • Revising 5 times tables!!
  • Practising beat.

I have competitions in my classes to see which group of four can most accurately keep the beat while layering their hands and taking their hands off. The kids LOVE the competition!

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Kodály Analysis:

Weav'ly Wheat Theme: Numbers Games: Double Partner
Partner: Form: Verse & Chorus Song Type:
Scale: do Pentatonic CSP: G - A Age: Middle Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: s low l low d finalis r m s l Rhythm: ; ; ;  
Melodic: m d ; d s low l low s low ; s low m ; d m s ; l s m d ; r d l low s low ; m r d finalis ; m d l low s low
Prep: ; , l low s low
Prac: ; , l low s low


Origin: Traditional

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