
This beautiful lullaby from the Torres Strait Islands can be used for:

  • Teaching the rhythmic element 'ti tum' (first section).
  • Preparing and practising the rhythmic element ti-tika (second section).
  • Teaching the melodic element 'ti' (if 'fa' is already known.)
  • Practising the Major Scale.
  • Singing with a choir.
  • Teaching Indigenous Australian Music
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Kodály Analysis:

Inanay Theme: Lullabies Games:
Partner: Form: Binary Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: C - E Age: Upper Primary - Middle Secondary
Tones: ti low d finalis r m f s Rhythm: ; ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: d r m ; m d ; d m ; m f m ; r m f ; s f m r d finalis ; d ti low d ; d s
Prep: ; , ti low
MC: , ti low
Prac: ; , ti low


Origin: Torres Strait Islander Song Arr. M. McLatchey
Source: Middle Years Music Education: Music for the Heart, Body, Spirit and Mind DVD

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