Come Join Our Song

This song uses the same melody as the song "Ladybug".

This lovely song is great for:

  • Singing at the end of a concert and encouraging the audience to join in. ^
  • Singing with confident singers who can accurately sing the "fi" with secure tuning.
  • Preparing and practising the melodic element 'fi' (sharpened 'fa').
  • Teaching 6/8 metre.
  • Teaching secondary dominants (bar 7).
  • Working with melodic sequences.
  • Working with broken chords.
  • Working with added note chords.

Teaching Suggestion

  • For working with young children, we suggest using the song "Ladybug".
  • With "Ladybug" you can have young children listen and join in the actions - they will subconsciously be feeling the 6/8 metre.

^ If you download this resource using credits or a subscription, you have permission to project the words and/or music for audiences or provide printed copies. Please include an acknowledgement of the source of this song. E.g. "Used with the permission of".

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Kodály Analysis:

Come Join Our Song Theme: Music Games:
Partner: Form: Strophic Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: C Age: Early Childhood - Middle Primary
Tones: ti low d finalis r m f fi s l ti d high Rhythm: ; ;  
Melodic: d m s ; s d ; f ti low ; ti low r f ; r m fi s l ti d high ; d high l fi s ; s d high ; d high m ; m s d high ; d high s m d ; d f ; f r ti low d finalis
Prep: fi
Prac: fi


Origin: Melody: Traditional Lyrics and Arr: Miriam McLatchey

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