Good Night Sleep Tight (Song Sight Reading)

  • "Good Night Sleep Tight - Song Sight Reading" can be used to practise sight-reading from the stave or from stick notation.
  • I print both pages back-to-back, laminate them and choose which side to show students according to what skills I want them to practise.
  • If you cover over the title and picture, students can sight-read the song and then guess the name of the song.
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Kodály Analysis:

Good Night Sleep Tight (Song Sight Reading) Theme: Lullabies Games:
Partner: Form: Irregular Song Type:
Scale: Bitonic CSP: F - B Age: Early Childhood - Lower Primary
Tones: m finalis s Rhythm: ;  
Melodic: m s ; s m finalis
Prac: ; , m s



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