Once an element is named, it is important to practise it in a variety of different songs and contexts to reinforce the new concept.
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The students will practise the beat in a variety of ways to a range of songs and rhymes.
(a) Behavioural Objective: The students will practise keeping the beat on various parts of their body while singing "On a Log" by following the teacher as a model.
The students sing "On a Log" while keeping a steady beat on their knees. Boys and girls, what do we call the part of the music we just put on our knees? (The beat)
"Watch carefully and copy where I put the beat!" The teacher sings the song with the children 3 or more times and each time puts the beat in a different place, e.g. head, shoulders, nose, index fingers.
"(1st student) where can we put the beat this time?" (In our feet)
"(2nd student) where can we put the beat this time?" (On our hips)
"Let's sing "On a Log" once more with our beautiful singing voices and keep the beat on our knees."
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The students will practise the beat in a variety of ways to a range of songs and rhymes.
(b) Behavioural Objective: The students will practise keeping the beat to "Two, Four, Six Eight" on various parts of their body as a class and in groups without the teacher.
The students say "Two, Four, Six, Eight" while keeping a steady beat on their shoulders.
"Boys and girls, what do we call the part of the music we just put on our shoulders?" (The beat)
"Let's keep the beat on our knees." The teacher starts the children saying the rhyme and keeping the beat and stops tapping his/ her knees after a couple of bars.
"This time keep the beat on your head and I'm not going to help!"
"This side of the room say the rhyme and keep the beat on your nose."
"Now this side of the room say the rhyme and keep the beat on your chin."
"This side of the room say the rhyme and keep the beat on your head while the other side of the room keeps the beat in their feet." Teacher observes without keeping the beat.
"Girls, say the rhyme and clap the beat, boys say the rhyme and tap the beat on your elbow." Teacher observes without keeping the beat.
"Let's all say the rhyme with our beautiful clear speaking voices while we tap the beat on our knees.
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The students will practise the beat in a variety of ways to a range of songs and rhymes.
(c) Behavioural Objective: The students will individually demonstrate they can keep the beat while singing "Lucy Locket".
The students sing "Lucy Locket" while keeping a steady beat on their feet.
"Boys and girls, what do we call the part of the music we just put on our feet?" (The beat)
"Let's keep the beat on our knees."
"This time keep the beat on your head and shut your eyes!"
"Let's keep the beat on our wrists and close our eyes again!"
"(1st student), please show us how you keep the beat on your head."
"(2nd student), please show us how you keep the beat on your shoulders"
"Let's all sing "Lucy Locket" with our beautiful singing voices while we tap the beat on our knees."
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The students will practise the beat in a variety of ways to a range of songs and rhymes.
(d) Behavioural Objective: The students will perform the beat by pointing to pictures on the Engine Engine Beat Sheet as they say "Engine Engine".
The teacher holds up a beat icon with a train on it. "What song or rhyme does this beat picture belong to? (Engine Engine)
"Let's all say "Engine, Engine" while we keep the beat on our heads."
"Watch while I keep the beat in a new way." The teacher keeps the beat by pointing to the pictures on the "Engine Engine Beat Sheet".
"Let's all say 'Engine Engine' while everyone points to the beat on their own beat sheets."
"(1st student) Please come to the board and show us how you keep the beat on our beat sheet."
"(2nd student) Please come to the board and show us how you keep the beat on our beat sheet."
"Let's all say "Engine Engine" with our beautiful clear speaking voices while we clap the beat softly."
Teaching Note: Alternatives for giving every student their own beat sheet is to have the students sit in rows or in a circle, give a few students a beat sheet and have them pass it to the person beside them after the rhyme is said each time. Or, you can just invite individual students up to the board to demonstrate.
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The students will practise the beat in a variety of ways to a range of songs and rhymes.
(e) Behavioural Objective: The students will perform the beat by playing a woodblock while singing "Bounce High".
Teacher begins singing "Bounce High" and students join in.
Teacher begins clapping the beat and the students join in.
Teacher taps his/her knees to the beat and the students copy.
"Watch while I keep the beat a different way." The teacher keeps the beat on a woodblock while everyone sings the song.
"(1st student) come and play the woodblock while the rest of us sing and pretend we have a woodblock."
"Who thinks they could play the beat on the wood-block?"
Two children perform the rhythm on the woodblock. Everyone else taps the beat on their knees.
"This time let's sing with a slower beat while (4th student) plays the woodblock."
"This time we will have a faster beat while (5th student) plays the woodblock."
"Let's sing "Bounce High" with our beautiful singing voices and keep the beat on our knees."
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The students will practise the beat in a variety of ways to a range of songs and rhymes.
(f) Behavioural Objective: The students will perform the beat by stepping on beat icons around a circle while singing "Bye-lo Baby-O".
The teacher holds up a beat icon with a baby on it. "What song could this picture belong to? (Bye-lo Baby-O)
Teacher begins singing "Bye-lo Baby-O" and students join in.
Teacher begins tapping the beat on his/her arm and the students join in.
Teacher taps his/her feet and the students copy.
"Watch while I keep the beat a different way." The teacher puts down beat icons and steps on a picture on each beat."
"As we walk in a circle, let's keep the beat by stepping on our beat pictures."
"Let's keep a slow beat as we walk around the circle."
"Let's keep a slightly faster beat this time."
"Quiet feet and voices this time!"
"Let's all sing "Bye-lo Baby-O" with our beautiful singing voices."
Teaching Note: For this activity, it would work best to have one beat picture per child, so everyone can step on one every beat of the song. Alternatively, you can have eight pictures and have eight children step the beat in a small circle and then swap with the other children. The other students could form an outside circle and still walk around on the beat.
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The students will practise the beat in a variety of ways to a range of songs and rhymes.
(g) Behavioural Objective: The students will perform beat by keeping a two beat body ostinato while singing "Cobbler Cobbler".
Teacher begins singing "Cobbler Cobbler" and the students all join in.
Teacher begins tapping the beat on his/her shoulders and all the students join in.
"I'm going to tap something different – watch carefully!"
The teacher taps his/her shoulders once and then taps his/her knees once, repeating this pattern throughout the song.
"(1st student) how did I keep the beat that time?" (By tapping your shoulders and then your knees.)
"Let's all sing and tap this way!"
"(2nd student) what two places on our body can we keep our new pattern?" (Our chin and our toes)
"Who would like to come and show the class two new places to keep our beat?" (One or two children chosen)
"Let's all sing "Cobbler Cobbler" with our beautiful singing voices."
Teaching Note: when children can keep a two beat body ostinato securely, it can be extended to a four beat body ostinato, e.g. head, shouldesr, clap, knees
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The students will practise rhythm in a variety of ways to a range of known songs and rhymes.
(a) Behavioural Objective: The students will perform the melody of "Good Night, Sleep Tight" while clapping the rhythmic pattern.
Boys and girls, please sing "Good Night, Sleep Tight" in beautiful singing voices."
"Please sing the song again as you gently tap the beat on your shoulders."
"Last lesson we discovered that there is something else in music besides the beat. Who remembers the name?" (Rhythm)
"We know that the rhythm is the pattern of the words. Listen while I sing "Good Night, Sleep Tight" and make my hands clap the pattern of the words." "
This time, can you do the same with me?" "
"Let's have the boys do that by themselves."
"Let's have the girls do it by themselves."
"(1st student) what do we call the pattern of the words?" (The rhythm)
"Please sing "Good Night, Sleep Tight" with beautiful singing voices."
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The students will practise rhythm in a variety of ways to a range of known songs and rhymes.
(b) Behavioural Objective: The students will use inner hearing to practise the rhythm of "Snail Snail".
"Please sing "Snail Snail" as you keep the beat on your knees."
"Please sing "Snail Snail" as you keep the rhythm on your hands."
"Boys and girls, watch while I keep the rhythm on my hands but hide the words of the song in my head."
"Can everyone keep the rhythm on their hands but hide the words of the song in their heads?"
"Can anyone do it by themselves?"
"Let's all do it once more and then sing this song with beautiful voices."
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The students will practise rhythm in a variety of ways to a range of known songs and rhymes.
(c) Behavioural Objective: The students will use claves to tap the rhythmic pattern of "Bye-lo Baby-o" keeping the words in their heads.
"Please sing "Bye-lo Baby-o" as you put the beat into your feet."
"Please sing the song as you clap the rhythm."
"Please clap the rhythm of the song as you put the words into your heads."
"Watch while I play the rhythm of "Bye-lo Baby-o" with the claves."
(The teacher plays the rhythm while mouthing the words of the song.)
"What did I do to help me play the rhythm correctly?"
The students will understand that they need to think the words in their heads.
"Who thinks they could play the rhythm of this song with the claves?"
Two or three children perform the rhythm on claves.
The class sings the song while clapping the rhythm led by one child on the claves.
The song is sung with beautiful singing voices.
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The students will practise rhythm in a variety of ways to a range of known songs and rhymes.
(d) Behavioural Objective: The students will sing "Rain Rain" while pointing to a rhythm sheet which represent the rhythm of the song.
The students sing "Rain Rain" while tapping the beat on their shoulders.
The students sing "Rain Rain" while clapping the rhythm on their hands.
"Boys and girls, watch while I sing "Rain Rain" and show the rhythm another way."
The teachers uses a rhythm chart which shows a cloud for each beat and raindrops to show the rhythm. The teacher sings the song while pointing to the icons for the rhythm.
"(1st student) can you come and point to the rhythm?"
"(2nd student) can you come and do the same?"
All sing "Rain Rain" while clapping the rhythmic pattern.
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The students will practise rhythm in a variety of ways to a range of known songs and rhymes.
(e) Behavioural Objective: The students will perform rhythm by keeping a two beat body ostinato containing "ta" and "ti-ti" while singing "Kangaroo".
Teacher begins singing "Kangaroo" and the students all join in.
Teacher begins tapping the beat on his/her shoulders and all the students join in.
Teacher taps his/her shoulders and then his/her knees alternating on the beat throughout the song, students join in.
"(1st student), what part of our body were we just keeping the beat on?" (Our shoulders and our knees)
"(2nd student) how many times did we tap our shoulders each beat? (Once)
"(3rd student) how many times did we tap our knees on each beat? (Once)
"I'm going to tap something different – watch carefully!"
The teacher taps his/her shoulders once and then taps his/her knees twice on the one beat. (A
rhythmic pattern). This pattern continues throughout the song.
"(4th student) how many times did we tap our shoulders each beat?" (Once)
"(5th student) how many times did we tap our knees each beat?" (Twice)
"Let's all sing and tap this way!"
"(6th student) what two places on our body can we keep our new pattern?" (Our chin and our toes)
The class taps the
pattern on their chin and toes.
"Who would like to come and show the class a way to keep our new pattern?" (One or two children chosen)
"Let's all sing "Kangaroo" with our beautiful singing voices."
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The students will develop the ability to distinguish between beat and rhythm.
(a) Behavioural Objective: The students will perform "See Saw" with either beat or rhythm as directed by the teacher.
"Please sing "See Saw" with the beat. (1st student) show us a way to perform the beat today."
The students perform with the beat.
"Please sing "See Saw"as you clap the rhythm."
The students perform with the rhythm.
"I have two cards. One has a heart on it and one has books on it. The heart stands for the beat – The books for the rhythm.
When you see the heart, you should sing "See Saw" and tap the beat on your heart. When you see the books, you should sing "See Saw" and clap the rhythm on your hands."
The class sings "See Saw" with beat or rhythm according to the card they see.
"(2nd student) What part of the music do you show when you see the heart?" (Beat)
"(3rd student) What part of the music do you show when you see the books?" (Rhythm)
"Let's sing "See Saw" again with our beautiful singing voices."
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The students will develop the ability to distinguish between beat and rhythm.
(b) Behavioural Objective: The students will identify whether the teacher is performing beat or rhythm with the rhyme "Bumble Bee, Stung a Bear Upon His Knee".
"Please say the rhyme "Bumble Bee" and show the beat on your shoulders."
"Please say the rhyme "Bumble Bee" and tap the rhythm on your knees."
"Boys and girls, watch as I say the rhyme "Bumble Bee". Tell me if I am performing the beat or the rhythm."
The teacher says the rhyme while putting the beat on her feet and the students identify 'beat'.
The teacher says the rhyme while putting the rhythm on her head and the students identify 'rhythm'.
"(Jamie) can you say "Bumble Bee" and show either beat or rhythm." The other students identify which is used.
Other students repeat the exercise.
All say "Bumble Bee" with clear speaking voices.
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The students will develop the ability to distinguish between beat and rhythm.
(c) Behavioural Objective: The students will sing "Snail Snail" and determine which beats have one sound on the beat and which have two sounds on the beat. The students will turn over beat icons to show where there are two sounds on a beat.
The teacher holds up a "beat icon" with a snail on it. "What song could this picture belong to? (Snail Snail)
Teacher sings "Snail Snail" and the students join in.
Teacher sings "Snail Snail" tapping the beat on his/her shoulders and the students join in.
"How many beats in this song? Let's sing the song again and count them!" (Eight beats)
"Let's put eight beat pictures out on the ground."
"Watch very carefully while I step the rhythm next to our beat pictures."
The teacher steps the rhythm next to each beat picture emphasising the beats with two sounds on them.
"Did I step just once on each beat picture?" (No)
"How many times did I step on some beats?" (Two times)
"Watch again while I step the rhythm and then tell me which beats have two sounds on them."
Students are chosen to come and turn over the pages with two sounds on them. Once turned over, there will be two snails showing.
"(1st student) come and step the rhythm next to our beat/rhythm pictures while everyone else sings the song." (Repeat for 2 more students)
"(4th student) I'm going to turn all the pictures back to beat pictures – come and turn over the beats with two sounds on them."
"Let's all sing 'Snail Snail' with our beautiful singing voices."
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The students will experience beat and rhythm simultaneously.
(a) Behavioural Objective: The students will perform the rhyme "Eeny Meeny Miny Mo" with half the class performing the rhythm and the other half performing the beat.
"Boys and girls" please say 'Eeny Meeny Miny Mo' as you tap the beat on your knees."
"Please say the rhyme as you tap the rhythm on your head."
"Let's have just this side of the class say the rhyme as they tap the beat."
"Let's have the other half say the rhyme as they tap the rhythm."
"Can each group do their part at the same time as the other?"
"Let's swap parts. If you were the beat, you should now be the rhythm."
"Let's have (1st student) and (2nd student) perform the rhyme together."
"You should each choose another person to do your part."
"Let's sing the song with beautiful singing voices."
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The students will experience beat and rhythm simultaneously.
(b) Behavioural Objective: The students will perform beat and rhythm simultaneously while singing "Lucy Locket". One half of the class will be led by a student playing the drum and the other led by a student playing a triangle.
The teacher claps the rhythm of "Lucy Locket" and asks the students what song he/she just clapped. The students recognise the rhythm as "Lucy Locket".
"Let's sing "Lucy Locket" while we tap a beat on our knees."
"(1st student) can you tap the rhythm on this drum while we sing?"
"(2nd student) can you tap the beat on this triangle while we sing?"
"This side of the class will sing "Lucy Locket" and tap the rhythm on their shoulders with (1st student) tapping the rhythm on the drum and at the same time, the other side of the class will sing "Lucy Locket" and keep the beat on their knees with (2nd student) tapping the beat on the wood block."
"(1st student) and (2nd student) please give your instruments to two other people.
Let's sing "Lucy Locket" again while these new people keep the beat and the rhythm."
"Let's sing the song with the words."
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The students will experience beat and rhythm simultaneously.
(c) Behavioural Objective: The students will tap the rhythm of "Bobby Shafto" on percussion instruments while stepping the beat.
The teacher sings "Bobby Shafto" and the students join in.
The teacher claps the rhythm while singing the song and the students join in.
The teacher begins walking in a circle, stepping the beat and the students follow.
"I'm going to give (1st student) a triangle and while the rest of us clap the rhythm he/she is going to keep the rhythm on the triangle."
"This time while (1st student) keeps the rhythm on the triangle, we are all going to walk the beat in our circle."
"(2nd student) you can have the triangle, (3rd student) here is a tambour, and (4th student) here are some claves. Everyone let's keep walking the beat while these students keep the rhythm on their instruments."
"If you have an instrument, pass it to the person in front of you. Let's sing again. If you have an instrument tap the rhythm, everyone else put the rhythm on your shoulders while we all walk the beat."
"Let's sing "Bobby Shafto" with our beautiful singing voices while the people with percussion instruments put them away and we all sit down."
Teaching Note: Because this song starts with three beats of ti-tis, students can mistakenly think the beat is twice as fast. You may find you need to demonstrate the beat to start students off, or count in and have students start their stepping before the song starts.
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The students will experience beat and rhythm simultaneously.
(d) Behavioural Objective: The students will sit in pairs facing each other. One student will tap the beat on their partner's shoulders, the other student will tap the rhythm on their partner's knees while singing "Apple Tree".
The teacher sings "Apple Tree" and everyone joins in.
The teacher taps the rhythm on his/her knees and everyone joins in.
"Did I just tap the rhythm or the beat?" (The rhythm)
"This time let's clap the beat."
"Everyone find a partner and sit down facing them while we continue to sing." (Teacher assists this process!)
"Pick one person in each group to keep the beat. If you are the beat person, put your hand on your partner's shoulders. Everyone sing "Apple Tree" while the beat person taps the beat."
"Hands up if you are not the beat person! If your hands are up, now put them on your partner's knees – you are the rhythm person. Rhythm people, tap the rhythm while we all sing "Apple Tree."
"Let's do both those things together!"
"(1st student) you can be my partner and show the class how well you keep the beat on my shoulders, while I keep the rhythm on your shoulders."
"(2nd student) you can now be my partner and show the class how well you keep the rhythm!"
"(3rd and 4th students) come and show us how well you keep the beat and rhythm."
"Let's all sing "Apple Tree" with our beautiful singing voices!"