Engine Engine

  • "Engine, Engine" is a terrific rhyme for children that only uses the rhythms "ta" and "ti-ti" making it useful for teaching these elements.
  • By adding a "too-ot, toot" at the end in a singing voice, use this rhyme to swap between speaking & singing voices.
  • If you have your students stand in a circle & stamp on the beat this becomes great practise for beat.
  • Instead of the words "going down the railway line" you can improvise new words e.g. "going down the New York line".
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Kodály Analysis:

Engine Engine Theme: Transportation Games: Circle
Partner: Form: Song Type: Rhyme
Scale: CSP: Age: Early Childhood - Lower Primary
Tones: Rhythm: ;  



Included FREE

Engine Engine (Beat Sheet Colour) A beat sheet - in colour!
Engine Engine (Beat Rhythm Icons Colour) "Engine Engine" Rhythm and Beat Icons in colour.

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