This Endris Night 6/8

This beautiful English Carol is from the 15th Century.

You can teach it in combination with with 'This Endris Night 6/4' to:

  • Compare and contrast - discuss how it changes the feel of the song when written in 6/4.
  • Use rhythmic augmentation (i.e. double the length of every rhythm) to re-write the song in 6/4.
  • Practise conducting in 6/8 when there is an anacrusis.
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Kodály Analysis:

This Endris Night 6/8 Theme: Christmas Games:
Partner: Form: Binary Song Type:
Scale: Hexachord CSP: A - C Age: Middle Secondary - Upper Secondary
Tones: ti low d finalis r m f s Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: s f m ; m s ; s f m r ; r f ; m d ; d r m r ; r s ; r ti low d finalis


Origin: 15th Century English Carol

Included FREE

This Endris Night 6/4 A 15th century English Carol in 6/4 metre.

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