Over In The Meadow

This song is great for:

  • Having fun! It's a lovely, light-hearted song, in the tradition of a folk song developing an idea in a story telling manner.
  • Preparing and practising the melodic element "fa".
  • Counting up to 10.
  • Working on English skills - developing vocabulary.
  • Working on English skills - present and past tense are in each verse.

NOTE: * Provided in your download is a copy with the verses and analysis followed by an illustrated version of the song.

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Kodály Analysis:

Over In The Meadow Theme: Animals Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: Hexachord CSP: G - B Age: Early Childhood - Upper Primary
Tones: d finalis r m f s l Rhythm: ; ;  
Melodic: s l s ; s m s ; s m r ; d r m ; m f m ; m r d ; r m d finalis ; d s ; s d ; d l s
Prep: f
Prac: f


Origin: English Folk Song

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