Doctor Eisenbart

This easy, humourous song is great for:

  • Analysing form (A, A, B, A).
  • Teaching the melodic element 'low ti'.
  • Teaching the rhythmic elements 'ti' in isolation (i.e. just one quaver / eighth note, rather than two in a group) and 'si' (quaver / eighth note rest)

Historical note included.

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Kodály Analysis:

Doctor Eisenbart Theme: Humour Games:
Partner: Form: Ternary Song Type:
Scale: Hexachord CSP: C - E Age: Middle Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: s low l low ti low d finalis r m Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: s low d s low s low l low s low ; d r ti low d finalis ; d r m r ; r d ti low l low s low
Prep: ; , ti low
MC: ; , ti low
Prac: Ternary, ; , ti low


Origin: German Students' Song Translation - public domain Arr. M. McLatchey

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