Susie's Sore Shoulder - A Tongue Twister

Tongue Twisters are great for:

  • Strengthening the muscles we use to speak.
  • Learning to produce clearer pronunciation.
  • Warming up - this song in it's descending progression is aimed at warming up the lower singing range for students.

Use this one for:

  • Preparing and practising 'treola' (triplet).

  • Teaching melodic sequences.

  • Working with modulations. You might like to singing in solfa to concentrate on the movement between keys. After each tongue twister is a 'transition'. 'Sore, so sore' are the lyrics for the transition. The transition begins with the 'do' of the previous key becoming 're' in the new key.

Teaching Suggestion:

  • With each modulation you can get faster to increase the challenge and the fun!
  • Can be used as a 'warm-up game'. Have your students work in pairs or teams facing each other. No-one is allowed to smile or laugh!
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Kodály Analysis:

Susie's Sore Shoulder - A Tongue Twister Theme: Humour Games:
Partner: Form: Strophic Song Type:
Scale: Hexachord CSP: C Age: Middle Primary - Upper Secondary
Tones: d finalis r m f s l Rhythm: ; ;  
Prep: , f
MC: f
Prac: , f


Origin: M. McLatchey

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