Au Clair De La Lune

  • The first line of this song can be used to teach 'drm' to older beginners.
  • The remainder of the song can be used to teach the melodic element 'ti' to students who already know 'drm'.
  • This song is a great example of ternary form.
  • Useful for teaching the rhythmic element too-oo-oo-oo (semibreve/ whole note)
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Kodály Analysis:

Au Clair De La Lune Theme: Multicultural Games:
Partner: Form: Ternary Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: F - A Age: Upper Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: s low l low ti low d finalis r m ti Rhythm: ; ;  
Melodic: d r m ; d m r d finalis ; r l low ; r d ti low l low s low
Prep: Ternary, , ti low
MC: Ternary, , ti low
Prac: Ternary, , ti low


Origin: French Folk Song
Source: Just Five Plus Two

Included FREE

Au Clair De La Lune - with diminution This version can be augmented to practice minims (1/2 notes) and semibreves (whole...

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