Ride A Cock Horse

This English nursery rhyme is fantastic for:

  • preparing 6/8 metre and rhythms.
  • having fun galloping to the beat in 6/8!
  • singing a wide range of notes.

Teaching Suggestion:

Give a couple of children bells to hold while they gallop with the class to this song. A great way to promote positive behaviour!

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Kodály Analysis:

Ride A Cock Horse Theme: Animals Games:
Partner: Form: Strophic Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: C Age: Early Childhood - Lower Secondary
Tones: d finalis r m f s l ti d high r high Rhythm: ; ; ;  
Melodic: m r m ; m d ; d m ; d s ; s d high ; d high ti d high ; r high d high ti l s ; s m s ; s d high ; d high m ; m f s ; l s l ; l r ; r s ; s l ti d high ; d high s m r d ; d r d finalis
Prep: , r high ti


Origin: Traditional English

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