Circle To The Left and More - tika-tika Rhythmic Dictation

Your PDF download is designed to be really versatile and cut down on printing!

Page 1: Has space to dictate 3 different songs: “Circle to the Left”, “Ding Dong Diggi Diggi Dong”, and “Paw Paw Patch”.

Page 2: Answer Sheet

Page 3: A template page that can be used for 3 songs of your choice. Students can dictate the rhythm and then see if they recognise the song, or you can tell them the name of the song to write in. (Don’t worry – it still has cute graphics on it!)

Page 4: Circle to the Left x3 – if this is the only song you want to do, just print this page – this will minimise your printing!

Page 5: Ding Dong Diggi Diggi Dong dictation sheets x3

Page 6: Paw Paw Patch dictation sheets x3

Suggested approach:

It’s helpful for our students to work with a rhythm many times using known songs before moving to unknown songs. Depending on how comfortable your class is with “tika-tika” you can choose a known or an unknown song for this dictation activity.

1) Prepare for the activity by singing a DIFFERENT tika-tika song with words, then rhythm names, then sing the word again while tapping the rhythm.

2) Sing the song you have chosen for your dictation with lyrics only.

3) The teacher claps the rhythm of line 1.

4) Students silently tap the rhythm on their knee or on the worksheet itself and try to think of the rhythm names.

5) Students write down the first line.

6) Repeat steps 3-5 for lines 2-4.

7) Teacher claps the whole song while students check their work.

8) Collect worksheet for marking or mark as a class.

9) Sing the song again with the lyrics.

Audio files are included on this web page for the melody of the songs.

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Kodály Analysis:

Circle To The Left and More - tika-tika Rhythmic Dictation Theme: Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: CSP: Age: Middle Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  
Prac: ;


Origin: M. McLatchey

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