Chicken In The Fencepost (Beat Icons)


1) Choose which of the five sheets you would like to use to represent beats in "Chicken in the Fencepost".

2) Print and laminate 16 of your chosen picture. (One for each beat in the song.)

3) Lay out the sheets to represent each of the beats in the song. For example, you might like to lay out 4 rows with 4 beats or lay them out in a circle for students to step beside each beat as they sing the song.

Tip: these icons could also be used with the song "Who Stole My Chickens and My Hens".

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Kodály Analysis:

Chicken In The Fencepost (Beat Icons) Theme: Animals Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: CSP: Age: Early Childhood - Middle Primary
Tones: Rhythm:  



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