Caterpillar (Dictate the Rhythm)

This structured dictation worksheet is great for:

  • Helping students break down dictation into achievable steps.
  • Providing options for students who need to take things slowly and methodically and those who can zoom through at a faster pace!
  • Giving extension work to those students who finish quickly.

An audio file is included on this page so you could leave this worksheet for a supervising teacher. The audio track gives a 4 beat lead-in to establish tempo.

An answer sheet is also provided with answers in blue.

PLEASE NOTE: only the first 16 beats (8 bars) of this song are used in this dictation worksheet. This gives ample opportunity for students to practice dictation skills in a session and then you can move onto more activities and music making in your lesson!

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Kodály Analysis:

Caterpillar (Dictate the Rhythm) Theme: Minibeasts Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: Pentatonic CSP: C - E Age: Middle Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: d r m s finalis l Rhythm: ; ;  



Included FREE

Caterpillar A fantastic song for teaching the rhythmic element 'tika tika'.

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