Busy Buzzy Busy Bee

This is a really fun game and each time the song is sung, 5 students are involved (in addition to the whole class singing)!

This song is also fantastic for:

  • teaching ta and ti-ti
  • teaching the melodic element 'fa'.

You might like to download the Bee Pictures that are free with this song.

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Kodály Analysis:

Busy Buzzy Busy Bee Theme: Minibeasts Games: Circle
Partner: Form: Binary Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: G Age: Early Childhood - Middle Primary
Tones: d finalis r m f s l d high Rhythm: ;  
Melodic: s l s m ; d high l s f m r d finalis
Prep: ; , f
MC: f
Prac: ; , f


Origin: Song-Traditional; Game-M. McLatchey
Source: My Mini Music Books by David Hooper

Included FREE

Bee Pictures These free bee pictures are for use with the song 'Busy Buzzy Busy Bee'.

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