
  • Performance Suggestion: Before starting to sing "Ushkadara", students can use body percussion to make the sound of rain. Instructions are provided with the music. Just remember, these actions should not be done on the beat!
  • Different actions are used to make the rain sound louder or softer which can provide an opportunity for teaching dynamics in a really fun way!
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Kodály Analysis:

Ushkadara Theme: Weather Games:
Partner: Form: Binary Song Type:
Scale: Melodic Minor CSP: C - E Age: Middle Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: m low fi low si low l low finalis ti low d r m f s Rhythm: ; ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: l low m ; f m f s m ; d r m ; m r d ti low l low ; l low ti low d r m f ; f m r d ti low l low ; r d ti low l low si low ; si low l low ti low ; ti low l low si low fi low m low ; ti low d l low si low l low finalis



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