To Market To Market Went My Brother Jim

This hilarious song is great for:

  • Working with 6/8 metre with older beginners and mid-late primary students.
  • The chorus can be used to teach (make conscious) 6/8 metre.
  • Working with the rhythms 'ti-ti-ti'; 'tum'; and 'ta ti' in compound metre.
  • Practising the tonic triad - d-m-s-d'
  • Singing Major and minor 3rds and perfect 4ths in a Major scale.
  • With older students this song works well with modal transformation.
  • You might like to sing solfa or rhythm names instead of numbers for the chorus. (If singing time names, students will often gradually start singing faster and faster - great way to practise beat in 6/8 and work hard at keeping the same tempo!)
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Kodály Analysis:

To Market To Market Went My Brother Jim Theme: Humour Games:
Partner: Form: Verse & Chorus Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: C Age:
Tones: d finalis r m f s l ti d high Rhythm: ; ;  
Melodic: d m s d high ; s f r ; d high ti s ; s m ; m f s l ; s d ; f r d finalis
Prep: ; ;
MC: ; ;
Prac: ; ;


Source: Sing 1996

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