The Underwear Song

Kids find this song HILARIOUS!

  • Terrific for choirs singing in unison!
  • Useful for teaching the melodic element 'di' (sharpened do).
  • Try keeping a 'ta, ti tum, sa' ostinato on different percussion instruments to reinforce the 'ti tum' rhythm!
  • There are some great examples of melodic sequences in this song, e.g. bars 1-8 with 9-16!
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Kodály Analysis:

The Underwear Song Theme: Humour Games:
Partner: Form: Ternary Song Type:
Scale: CSP: F - A Age: Middle Primary - Middle Secondary
Tones: l low ti low d finalis di r m f s Rhythm: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: m f m r d ; d r d ti low ; f s f m r ; r m r d ; d s ; s f m r ; r di l low ; l low f ; f m r d ti low ; r di r ; f ti low d finalis
Prep: , di
MC: di
Prac: , di


Origin: Traditional
Source: The Sing Book 1999

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