The Old Sow

  • This American Folk song can be used to teach the melodic element 'low so'. Many songs are used to teach 'low so' in connection with 'low la'. This song, however, does not have any 'low las'.
  • With the majority of rhythms being 'ta', 'ti-ti' and 'sa', this song is also really useful for teaching 'si' (quaver/ eighth note rest).
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Kodály Analysis:

The Old Sow Theme: Animals Games:
Partner: Form: Strophic Song Type:
Scale: Tetratonic CSP: A Age: Middle Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: s low d finalis r m s Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: m s ; s m ; m s r ; r m s ; s m d finalis ; d r d ; m d s low s low d ; d m s ; d r m
Prep: ; , s low
MC: ; , s low
Prac: ; , s low


Origin: American Folk Song

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