The Noble Duke Of York (2-4)

This English nursery rhyme is great for getting active without having to move around the classroom!

See also 'The Grand Old Duke Of York' for a different version of this nursery rhyme.

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Kodály Analysis:

The Noble Duke Of York (2-4) Theme: Nursery Rhymes Games: Action
Partner: Form: Binary Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: A Age: Early Childhood - Lower Primary
Tones: m low s low d finalis r m f Rhythm: ; ; ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: m r d finalis ; d s low m low ; m low s low d ; m f m
Prep: , f
MC: f
Prac: f


Origin: English Nursery Rhyme
Source: Songs in Action

Included FREE

Grand Old Duke Of York An English Nursery Rhyme in 6/8 metre.
The Noble Duke Of York (Mixed Metre) An English nursery rhyme in mixed metre!

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