The Morning Of The Fray

  • This download includes a section on word meanings and historical context providing a fascinating window into life during the Australian gold rush and the bushrangers who terrorised travellers and property owners.
  • This song is written in a natural minor scale and has an appealing melody.
  • The melodic element 'low ti' is always in a context of steps, making this a great song for practising 'ti' in a natural minor context.
  • The tonic chord (l, d m) strongly features in several bars in this song.
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Kodály Analysis:

The Morning Of The Fray Theme: Australian Games:
Partner: Form: Verse & Chorus Song Type:
Scale: Natural Minor CSP: C - D Age: Middle Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: s low l low finalis ti low d r m s l Rhythm: ; ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: l low m ; m r d ; d l low ; l low m l ; l s m r ; m r d ti low l low s low ; s low l low ti low d r m ; m d l low ; m l low d l low ; m r d ti low l low finalis


Origin: Australian Folk Song

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