
Some suggestions for using this simple song:

  • Sing for practise of large intervals.
  • Introduce with a melodic dictation (testing/practising the recognition of large intervals).
  • Use to prepare, make conscious or practise the rhythmic element 'tum ti'.
  • Give students the words and have them figure out which time signature would fit the words and have them set the words to a rhythm and a melody.
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Kodály Analysis:

Thanksgiving Theme: Thanksgiving Games:
Partner: Form: Strophic Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: A Age: Upper Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: s low l low ti low d finalis r m f s Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: m d ; d ti low l low s low ; s low f ; f ti low ; ti low l low ti low d ; d r m ; s m r d ; d s ; f l low ; s low d ; d f ; m l low ; l low ti low d finalis


Origin: Edith Rutter Leatham Public Domain
Source: Making Music Your Own

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