Ten Little Indians

This is a great counting song that can be 'acted out' or done as finger play.

Also great for:

  • Teaching the rhythmic element 'too' (minim / half note).
  • Teaching the rhythmic element 'sa-a' (minim rest).
  • Preparing and practising the melodic element 'ti'.
  • Practising singing the tonic triad - do, mi, so.
  • Singing as a partner song with 'Skip to My Lou'. (Will need to sing with the 4/4 version of 'Skip to My Lou'.)
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Kodály Analysis:

Ten Little Indians Theme: Counting Games: Action
Partner: Skip To My Lou (4/4) Form: Binary Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: F Age: Early Childhood - Lower Primary
Tones: s low ti low d finalis r m s Rhythm: ; ; ;  
Melodic: d m s ; s m d ; r ti low r ; r ti low s low ; s low d finalis ; r s low
Prep: ;
MC: ;
Prac: ; , ti low


Origin: Traditional American
Source: Songs In Action

Included FREE

Ten Little Fingers A simple counting, finger play song.

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