Stir The Wallaby Stew

'Stir the Wallaby Stew' is about the life of an Australian family after their Dad gets put in prison.

This lively song is great for:

  • Preparing and practising 6/8 metre with older beginners.
  • Preparing and practising compound rhythms e.g. ta ti; ti-ti-ti; and 'tum'.
  • Teaching the melodic element 'fa' (with the last phrase of the song).
  • Working with the rhythmic element 'ties' in 6/8 time.
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Kodály Analysis:

Stir The Wallaby Stew Theme: Australian Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: Pentachord CSP: G - C Age: Lower Secondary - Middle Secondary
Tones: d finalis r m f s Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: s m ; m r m ; r m f ; f s ; s r m ; m s ; s f m r d finalis ; d s
Prep: f
MC: f
Prac: ; ; ; , f


Origin: Australian Folk Song

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