Mystery of the Missing tika-tikas Rhythmic Dictation

This set of worksheets is designed to support students by making rhythmic dictations achievable for the different levels of musical ability within a class.

The same worksheet is provided with 4 different levels, all using the rhythms ta, ti-ti, tika-tika, sa, and too (crotchet, quavers, semiquavers, crotchet rest, minim / quarter note, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, quarter note rest, half note).

Level 1 -> 1-2 rhythms missing per line (4 beats per line)

Level 2 -> 2-3 rhythms missing per line.

Level 3 -> 3-4 rhythms missing per line.

Level 4 -> no rhythms given.

There are 3 songs to be dictated:

  1. Circle to the Left
  2. Are You Sleeping
  3. Rhythmic Rumba no 1 (This Rumba has been composed for this worksheet so it will be unknown to students. It has a hint of syncopation.)


  • 4 levels for the same worksheet
  • Answer sheet
  • Audio files for the 3 songs.
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Kodály Analysis:

Mystery of the Missing tika-tikas Rhythmic Dictation Theme: Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: CSP: Age: Middle Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  



Included FREE

Circle To The Left A fun yet simple circle game.
Are You Sleeping (2/4) The French version of this song is 'Frere Jacques'

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