My Name Is Joe

Get moving, grooving and learning with this funny rhyme!

There is so much scope for having fun, learning and working on physical objectives with this rhyme.

  • Use with dynamics flash cards - hold up different cards each time through for some revision of key terms!
  • As above but with tempi
  • Use as a physical warm up, gently stretching out to reach each 'button'!
  • For some great brain gym exercises have students cross over hands and feet as they press the 'buttons'.
  • Brilliant for practising beat and rests - students generally rush through the silences, but it is wonderful for students to learn to be able to stop and enjoy the musicality of silence without feeling they need to rush!
  • Students may even like to improvise a melody in a 'recitative' style!
  • Works well as a choir warm up!
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Kodály Analysis:

My Name Is Joe Theme: Humour Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type: Rhyme
Scale: CSP: Age: Early Childhood - Middle Primary
Tones: Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  


Origin: Traditional
Source: SING 1996

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