Lavender's Blue

This traditional English song is great for:

  • Teaching 3/4 time.
  • Teaching the melodic element 'fa' (with the first phrase of the song).
  • Teaching the rhythmic element 'too-oo-oo' (dotted minim/dotted half note).
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Kodály Analysis:

Lavender's Blue Theme: Nursery Rhymes Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: Hexachord CSP: C - E Age: Early Childhood - Lower Secondary
Tones: d finalis r m f s l Rhythm: ; ;  
Melodic: d s ; l s f m r d ; d l ; l d ; d f ; f m r d finalis
Prep: , f
MC: , f
Prac: , f


Origin: English Folk Song and Nursery Rhyme
Source: Seventy Simple Songs With Ostinati

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