Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho (C minor)

This popular African American Spiritual is great for:

  • Singing 'swung' music!
  • Singing in minor tonality.
  • Teaching 'si' (sharpened 'so')
  • Teaching raised 7th.

You might like to compare with 'Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho (B minor)' and discover that to raise the 7th, sometimes you need to use a natural sign and sometimes a sharp.

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Kodály Analysis:

Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho (C minor) Theme: Spiritual Games:
Partner: Form: Verse & Chorus Song Type:
Scale: Harmonic Minor CSP: B - C Age: Upper Primary - Middle Secondary
Tones: si low l low finalis ti low d r m l Rhythm: ; ; ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: l low si low l low ; l low ti low d ; d r m ; m r d ti low l low finalis ; m d ; l low m ; m l ; l m


Origin: African American Spiritual

Included FREE

Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho (B minor) Enjoy great singing with this wonderful African American Spiritual!

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