I Like The Flowers (Composition)

By working with the melody of 'I Like the Flowers', this worksheet gives structure to the following aspects of writing a composition:

  • writing lyrics
  • adding rhythms
  • writing the composition on the staff.

Without actually writing a melody in this worksheet, students are developing knowledge and skills towards composing with this step-by-step, 5 page worksheet.

You might like to print this worksheet back-to-back. There are five pages plus a sixth page with extra staff lines if needed.

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Kodály Analysis:

I Like The Flowers (Composition) Theme: Flowers Games:
Partner: Form: Strophic Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: F Age: Middle Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: s low l low ti low d finalis r m f s l Rhythm: ; ;  
Melodic: d ti low l low ; l low r ; r d ti low l low s low ; s low m ; m r d ; d f ; f m r m f ; s f ; m l ; l s f m r ; d l low ; r s low ; s low d finalis
Prep: Major
Prac: , f ti low


Source: MySongFile.com

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