
This well-known English folk song is great for:

  • Practising 3/4 metre.
  • Practising the melodic elements 'fi' (sharpened 'fa') and 'si' (sharpened 'so').
  • Preparing and practising the rhythm 'tum ti' (dotted crotchet, quaver; dotted quarter note, eighth note).
  • Singing in minor tonality.

The songs, 'Sing Sweet Music' and 'What Child Is This' use the same melody as 'Greensleeves' and are also available on

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Kodály Analysis:

Greensleeves Theme: Love Games:
Partner: Form: Binary Song Type:
Scale: CSP: D - F Age: Lower Secondary - Middle Secondary
Tones: m low fi low s low si low l low finalis ti low d r m f fi s Rhythm: ; ; ;  
Melodic: l low d ; d r m f ; f m r ; r ti low s low ; s low l low ti low d ; d l low ; l low si low l low ; ti low si low m low ; m low l low ; d ti low l low si low ; si low fi low si low l low finalis ; l low s ; s fi m r ; m low s
Prac: , fi fi low si low


Origin: English Folk Song Arr. M. McLatchey

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