Goodbye Girls I'm Going To Boston (Unscramble the Rhythm)

  • "Goodbye Girls I'm Going To Boston (Unscramble the Rhythm)" is a worksheet which has a very clear layout.
  • All the rhythms from the song extract are written around the edge of the page.
  • Students need to use each rhythm once and write out the rhythm of the selected song extract.
  • Great practise for 'tika-ti' and 'tim-ka'.
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Kodály Analysis:

Goodbye Girls I'm Going To Boston (Unscramble the Rhythm) Theme: Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: Mixolydian CSP: C Age: Upper Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: d finalis r m f s l ta r high Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  
Prac: ;



Included FREE

Dinah (Unscramble the Rhythm) Use this worksheet to practise rhythm writing - particularly tika-tika.
Goodbye Girls I'm Going to Boston This song can be used to teach Mixolydian mode!
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