Goodbye Girls I'm Going to Boston

  • This song is written in Mixolydian mode.
  • The melodic element 'ta', (flattened 'ti'), can be taught with this song.
  • This song is also great for teaching the rhythm 'tim-ka'.
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Kodály Analysis:

Goodbye Girls I'm Going to Boston Theme: Dance Games:
Partner: Form: Binary Song Type:
Scale: Mixolydian CSP: B - C Age: Lower Secondary - Upper Secondary
Tones: d finalis r m f s l ta d high r high Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: d m s ; l f r ; r m f ; s m d ; r s ; s f r d finalis ; d d high ; d high r high d high ; d high s ; s ta d high ; d high ta s ; s d high ; s ta s
Prep: Mixolydian, , ta
MC: Mixolydian,
Prac: Mixolydian, , ta


Origin: American Folk Song
Source: 150 American Folk Songs to Sing Read and Play. Boosey and Hawkes.

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Goodbye Girls I'm Going To Boston (Unscramble the Rhythm) Use this worksheet to practise rhythm writing - particularly...

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