Eency Weency Spider (Singing Story)

  • This is an all-time favourite nursery rhyme - now with appealing illustrations!
  • Can be sung with actions depicting the spider climbing, rain and the sun for fine motor practise.
  • Also available with the spelling 'Incy Wincy Spider (Singing Story)' with slightly different lyrics.
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Kodály Analysis:

Eency Weency Spider (Singing Story) Theme: Minibeasts Games:
Partner: Form: Ternary Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: F - G Age: Early Childhood - Lower Primary
Tones: s low d finalis r m f s Rhythm: ; ;  
Melodic: d r m ; m r d ; m d finalis ; d m ; m f s ; s f m ; s m d ; d s low d



Included FREE

Eency Weency Spider Popular in the 1900's this song is still a favourite with children today!
Incy Wincy Spider (Singing Story) Children love the fun illustrations in this singing story.

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