Do Do Pity My Case (Cut Common)

  • 'Do Do Pity My Case' can be used for word and action improvisation - students can substitute different jobs for 'my clothes to wash'.
  • Useful for practising the melodic element 're'.
  • Useful for teaching the rhythmic element 'si' (quaver/eight note rest).
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Kodály Analysis:

Do Do Pity My Case (Cut Common) Theme: Occupations Games: Word Improvisation
Partner: Form: Strophic Song Type:
Scale: do Pentatonic CSP: E - A Age: Middle Primary - Lower Secondary
Tones: d finalis r m s l Rhythm: ; ; ;  
Melodic: m r d ; m s m ; m s l ; l s m d ; d r m ; s r ; m d finalis
Prep: , r
Prac: do Pentatonic, , r


Origin: American Folk Song

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Do Do Pity My Case 'Do Do Pity My Case' can be used for word and action improvisation.

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