
A song that is great for singing - just for fun!

With this song you can also:

  • Teach the Major Scale.
  • Prepare and practise the rhythmic element 'tum ti'
  • Practise singing an interval of an octave.
  • Sing in different modes with older students!
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Kodály Analysis:

Chumbara Theme: Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: C Age: Upper Primary - Upper Secondary
Tones: d r m f s l ti d high finalis Rhythm: ; ; ;  
Melodic: d m ; m r d ; d s ; s f m r ; r f ; f m r d ; d d high ; d high ti l s f m r d ; d d high finalis
Prep: Major,
MC: Major
Prac: Major,


Source: My Mini Music Books by David Hooper

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