Chrisimas Day

  • This cute Christmas carol is about animals who went out farming on Christmas day.
  • Written in 6/8 it's a great song to prepare and practise compound time.
  • Can be used to support the teaching of rhymes.
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Kodály Analysis:

Chrisimas Day Theme: Christmas Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: Harmonic Minor CSP: A - C Age: Early Childhood - Middle Primary
Tones: m low si low l low ti low d r m finalis l Rhythm: ; ;  
Melodic: m low l low ; l low ti low d r m ; m l ; l l low ; ti low m low ; d ti low l low si low ; l low m finalis
Prep: ; ; , si low
Prac: ; ; , si low


Origin: Lancashire Carol

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