Bold Jack Donohue (Sight Reading)

This worksheet for 'The Bold Jack Donohue (Sight Reading)' begins with exercises to prepare students for sight-reading the song.

STEP 1: Clap selected rhythms from the song.

STEP 2: Sing exercises in solfa to practise intervals from the song.

STEP 3: Sing an excerpt from the song in solfa from the staff (a few hints in solfa included).

  • Useful for practising the melodic element 'low ti'.
  • Useful for practising rhythms in 9/8 time.
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Kodály Analysis:

Bold Jack Donohue (Sight Reading) Theme: Australian Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: Hexachord CSP: C - E Age: Upper Primary - Middle Secondary
Tones: s low l low ti low d finalis r m Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: d r m d ; m r d ti low ; d ti low l low s low ; s low d ti low d ; s low l low d s low ; s low l low ti low d ; d r d
Prac: Hexachord, ti low



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