Barnyard Family

This song has a really enjoyable melody to sing!

It is great for:

  • Working in Major tonality.
  • Improvising words - new animals and sounds.
  • Working in 6/8 metre.
  • Working with children who struggle to pronounce words. Animal sounds can be easier to pronounce than words and children who are self-conscious about their speech often feel more comfortable making animal noises than words.
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Kodály Analysis:

Barnyard Family Theme: Animals Games: Word Improvisation
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: B - C Age: Early Childhood - Middle Primary
Tones: d finalis r m f s l ti d high r high Rhythm: ; ;  
Melodic: d l ; l s m d ; d m ; m r d finalis ; d r m ; d f ; f s l ti d high ; d high r high d high ; d high l ; l f m
Prep: Major,


Origin: American Folk Song Arr. M. McLatchey
Source: Making Music Fun

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