Away In A Manger (German) - Eb Major

  • There are two different versions of the tune of the Christmas Carol "Away In A Manger". This one is a German folk song and is the most common version sung in America. It starts s-s-f-m-m-r-d-d-t,-l,-s, and is in 3/4 time.
  • With many clear examples of the rhythm "tum ti" (dotted crotchet - quaver) this is a great song to prepare and practise this rhythmic element in 3/4 time.
  • Great practise opportunity for melodic elements "fa" and "ti" in this Christmas Carol.
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Kodály Analysis:

Away In A Manger (German) - Eb Major Theme: Christmas Games:
Partner: Form: Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: A - D Age: Early Childhood - Upper Secondary
Tones: s low l low ti low d finalis r m f s l Rhythm: ; ;  
Melodic: s f m r d ti low l low s low ; s low l low s low ; s low r ti low ; s low d m s ; s low f m r ; m r d ; r l low ; l low ti low d finalis
Prep: Major, , f ti low
Prac: Major, , f ti low


Origin: German Folk Song

Included FREE

Away In A Manger - G Major with parts Away in a Manger in 2 parts in G Major.
Away In A Manger - F Major A traditional Christmas Carol in 3/4 time.
Away In A Manger - F Major with parts This beautiful carol has been arranged for 2 part singing.
Away In A Manger (German) - G Major This tune most commonly sung in America. This music in G Major.
Away In A Manger (German) - F Major This tune most commonly sung in America. This music in F Major.
Away In A Manger (German) - D Major This tune most commonly sung in America. This music in D Major.

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