Apusski Dusky

  • "Apusski Dusky" is a catchy song with easy to sing intervals.
  • Great for preparing and practising "fa" and/or "ti" as these melodic elements are approached by step or skip. Therefore, this is a great song for familiarising students with the sounds of the major scale.
  • With easy rhythms, this is a fantastic song for preparing, making conscious and practising "too" and "too-oo-oo-oo" (minim and semibreve).
  • For older students, try singing with modal transformation and rhythmic diminution
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Kodály Analysis:

Apusski Dusky Theme: Sea Games:
Partner: Form: Strophic Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: B - C Age: Lower Primary - Upper Secondary
Tones: d finalis r m f s l ti d high r high Rhythm: ; ; ;  
Melodic: l s m d ; l s f r ; r s ti ; l s f m ; s l ti r high d high ; d high m ; m f s l ; d high ti l s ; f m r d finalis
Prep: Major, , f ti
Prac: Major, , f ti


Origin: Traditional

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