Alligator March (Writing the Rhythm)

This worksheet can be used in connection with the rhyme "Alligator March".

In this worksheet, students will:

1) Write the rhythm of "Alligator March"

2) Fill in the table of rhythms to show their understanding of the rhythms used in the rhyme. (ta, sa, ti-ti, and tika-tika / crotchet, crotchet rest, quavers, semiquavers / quarter note, quarter note rest, eighth note and sixteenth notes)

Your download includes:

  • The worksheet in colour
  • The worksheet in black and white
  • An answer sheet.
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Kodály Analysis:

Alligator March (Writing the Rhythm) Theme: Games:
Partner: Form: Binary Song Type:
Scale: CSP: Age: Middle Primary
Tones: Rhythm: ; ;  



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