ABC die Katze

"ABC, die Katze" can be used as a fun song in German for younger students.

For older students it can be used to practise an interval of a seventh (low so to fa) and also the rhythms 'tim-ka' and si-ti (i.e. eigth note rest followed by an eighth note).

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Kodály Analysis:

ABC die Katze Theme: Multicultural Games:
Partner: Form: Strophic Song Type:
Scale: Major CSP: D - F Age: Lower Primary - Middle Secondary
Tones: ti low d finalis r m f s l d high Rhythm: ; ; ; ;  
Melodic: d m s ; l s f m r d finalis ; d s ; s f m r d ti d ; r s low f ; d f ; m d ; d l ; s d high s
Prep: , f ti low
Prac: , f ti low


Origin: German Children's Song

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