
Resource Credits are used to add paid resources to your personal songfile.  Resource prices vary but average around two credits each, which can be as cheap as 24c!  Credits are cheaper in larger quantities.  

Purchasing is completed through PayPal to ensure your security and peace of mind.  Please choose the option below that suits you.

40 Resource Credits
20% Discount!

Equivalent to 20 resources! (or 45c per resource) *

Visa accepted Mastercard accepted PayPal accepted Buy Now Buy Now
Or use PayPal PayPal or Invoice my School

120 Resource Credits
20% Discount!

Equivalent to 60 resources! (or 30c per resource) *

Visa accepted Mastercard accepted PayPal accepted Buy Now Buy Now
Or use PayPal PayPal or Invoice my School

300 Resource Credits
20% Discount!

Equivalent to 150 resources! (or 24c per resource) *

Visa accepted Mastercard accepted PayPal accepted Buy Now Buy Now
Or use PayPal PayPal or Invoice my School

All Resources

Subscriptions grant access to ALL resources for the period of the subscription. They are available for individuals and organisations.

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* based on average cost per resource of two credits. Remaining credits expire after one (1) year. Expiry is extended for all credits in your account by one (1) year on new purchase.

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Benefits of registering include:

  • Five (5) complimentary Resource Credits
  • Registration is free
  • Access to free featured resources
  • Start building your personal Song File online
  • Stay up to date with our informative newsletter

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"I've been using the ta, ti-ti, and sa flashcards with my kindergartners, to great success!"

Early Childhood Teacher

